A Project proposal on Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI)

The proposed project aims to provide market-led vocational training to 1000 marginalised urban youth from disadvantaged families residing in NCR, Bihar, UP and in Rajasthan urban slums. The intervention aims to offer the youth an opportunity to explore the rapidly growing service industry trades, such as BFSI that have a significant skill gap. By imparting vocational skills to the youth, the project aims to tackle unemployment while channelizing their energy towards productive activities. To ensure the success of the project, we will work closely with Impact Guru Foundation, leveraging their market intelligence and expertise. Together, we will finalise the training location. This approach will help ensure that the training provided is relevant and market-driven, increasing the chances of the youth’s employability and success in the chosen trades.
Background & Problem Statement
India is currently in the midst of a demographic dividend with a large working-age population of 15 to 59 years of age. However, this dividend can only be realised if this population is equipped with the right skills and knowledge to be productive in the workforce. With this working-age population set to rise exponentially over the coming decades, there is a pressing need to encourage them to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for employability. This will not only ensure India’s competitiveness in the global market but also reduce the number of people working in the unorganised sector. However, the reality is that employers are unlikely to invest in skilling their employees and individuals themselves are constrained to mobilise their own resources for up-skilling. As a result, there are currently very few job-ready workers available in the market. It is therefore essential to provide market-savvy skills training to both the growing young workforce and the middle-aged who may lack the required competency to move up the ladder of growth. Up-skilling individuals in the current economic space will increase their chances of acquiring better employment opportunities. In recent years, India has experienced rapid economic growth driven by advances in newage industries. This growth has resulted in an increase in purchasing power, leading to a greater demand for higher-quality services. However, there is a significant shortage of skilled manpower in the country, and it is becoming increasingly important to focus on developing and enhancing the skill sets of the young population. The COVID-19 pandemic has also amplified the challenges faced by young people, especially those who lack skills. The proposed project aims to provide training to interested and needy youth to acquire skills and secure jobs in the market. Employers are constantly searching for skilled manpower in the technology and manufacturing sectors that can contribute to the growth of a green India. However, there is a mismatch between demand and supply. The reasons for unemployment include limited access to job-oriented vocational training programs, traditional sources of education and vocational training, an increase in technology adoption at the industry level, and high population growth, especially among migrant populations.
Need & Rationale
The project’s need is evident, as employers are continuously searching for skilled manpower in sectors like banking, financial services, and insurance sectors that can contribute to India’s growth. However, there is a significant mismatch in demand and supply. Limited access to job-oriented vocational training programs, traditional sources of education and vocational training, an increase in technology adoption at the industry level, and high population growth, particularly among migrant populations, are the primary reasons for unemployment, as identified through previous experience and discussions with various stakeholders.
As per our previous experience and discussion with various stakeholders the basic reasons of unemployment are
  • Limited access to job oriented vocational training programmes.
  • Traditional way/sources of education and vocational trainings.
  • Increase in technology adoption at industry level.
  • High population growth (especially migrant population).
Goals & Objectives
The project’s overall goal is to train and improve opportunities for 1000 unemployed youths from Delhi NCR, Bihar, UP and in Rajasthan to meet their Social and Economic development objectives by getting a sustainable livelihood.
Project Objectives
The primary objectives of this project are as follows:
  1. To provide industry-relevant training to enhance employability in the BFSI sector.
  2. To address the skill gaps identified by the industry and align training programs accordingly.
  3. To create a pool of skilled BFSI professionals who can contribute to the economic growth of India.
  4. To promote financial inclusion by fostering the availability of skilled BFSI professionals in underserved regions.
Target group
The unemployed youth of the focused area who have the 3As (Attitude, Aptitude and Ambition) to achieve beyond the opportunities they have been given by helping them to get ready for work. The specific qualification will be:
  1. Fresh graduates and job seekers looking to enter the BFSI sector
  2. Existing professionals seeking upskilling or reskilling opportunities
  3. Individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to promote social inclusiveness.
Focused Trades for placements in the service industry:
  • Bank
  • NBFC
  • Insurance Company

Project Strategy

Scope of Work and Action Plan

1. Batch Plan

Develop a batch plan for each Saksham centre based on target numbers and the educational qualifications of youth. This will involve identifying the number of batches needed to train the targeted number of youth and allocating trainers accordingly. The batch plan should also take into account the availability of training infrastructure and resources.

2. Market Assessment

Conduct a rapid market assessment to identify employment sector-specific requirements. This will involve gathering data on job opportunities, skill requirements, and employer expectations for each trade sector. This information will help to inform the training program and ensure that it aligns with market needs.

3. Community Mobilization and Career Counselling

Identify communities and slums where youth in need of training can be mobilized. Provide them with career counselling to enable them to take up training as per their interest and aptitude. This will involve engaging with community leaders, conducting awareness campaigns, and organizing career guidance sessions.

4. Experiential Learning

Facilitate at least 160 hours of experiential learning to youth enrolled in Saksham program through classroom training, role play, guest lecture, industry visit, on-the-job training, assignment, etc. The experiential learning approach will ensure that the youth gain practical skills that will prepare them for the job market.

5. Job Placement

Ensure 90% job placement of the youth with established and renowned companies and brands. This will involve identifying potential employers, establishing relationships with them, and matching the trained youth to suitable job openings. The job placement strategy should also focus on tracking employer feedback to improve the quality of the training program.

6. Mentorship

Provide three months of mentorship to all placed youth. This will involve assigning a mentor to each placed youth to help them transition to the workplace and provide them with guidance and support as they settle into their new roles.

7. Attendance Tracking

80%+ attendance of all aspirants will be ensured. Record attendance of all youth enrolled in the training, trainers, and assessors using RFID cards. This will ensure accurate tracking of attendance and facilitate the preparation of monthly progress reports.

8. Record Keeping

Maintain detailed records of attendance, reports related to training and assessment of youth, organize industry visits, job placement, post-placement follow-up as per MIS requirement of Plan India. This will involve setting up a data management system to collect, store, and analyze data on the training program and its outcomes.

9. Monthly Progress Reports

Prepare and submit regular monthly progress reports, photos, case studies, etc. These reports will provide stakeholders with updates on the program's progress and help to identify areas that need improvement.

10. Compliance and Performance Reporting

Submit data on compliance and performance as required for monitoring purposes. This will involve providing regular updates on the program's compliance with relevant regulations and performance against set targets.

Monitoring and Reporting Structure:
An effective monitoring and reporting structure is essential to ensure its smooth execution and to track its success. The structure can be organised as follows:
1. Project Implementation Team:
This team will be on the ground, handling the daily activities of the project, including training sessions, recruitment efforts, and industry collaborations. They will monitor the day-to-day progress and any immediate issues that arise.
2. Project Manager(s):
Overseeing the Project Implementation Team, the Project Manager(s) will be responsible for ensuring the project is progressing as planned, addressing any issues escalated by the team, and communicating progress to the Project Steering Committee. They will also liaise with third-party evaluators, if any.
3. Project Steering Committee:
Comprising senior representatives from all stakeholders, the Project Steering Committee will be responsible for making major decisions related to the project. They will receive reports from the Project Manager(s) and guide the overall direction of the project. The reporting structure will include:
1.Weekly Reports:
Generated by the Project Implementation Team, these will detail weekly activities, immediate issues, and resolutions.
2. Monthly Progress Reports:
Prepared by the Project Manager(s), these reports will include a comprehensive update of the project’s progress, including the number of youth trained, any major issues, solutions implemented, and any alterations in the project plan.
3. Quarterly Evaluation Reports:
Prepared by the Project Manager(s) for the Steering Committee, these reports will provide a quarterly overview of the project.
4. Annual Reports:
Prepared by the Project Manager(s) for the Steering Committee, these reports will provide a yearly overview of the project, including the number of youth trained, employed, the impact on their lives, and any plans for the future.
5. Project Completion Report:
This final report will detail the overall impact of the project, including statistics on youth trained and employed, case studies, learnings, and suggestions for future initiatives. This structured approach to monitoring and reporting will ensure the project stays on track, and any issues are addressed promptly. It will also provide all stakeholders with regular, reliable updates on the project’s progress and impact.
Project Sustainability
The sustainability of the Vocational Training Project for 1000 youth in Delhi NCR, Bihar, UP and in Rajasthan lies in a multi-pronged approach that ensures lasting impact and potential for scalability. Here’s how the project aims to achieve sustainability:
  • Skill Adaptability: The project focuses on imparting skills that are in high demand in the current and projected job market. This ensures that the beneficiaries remain employable and can adapt to changing job requirements, enhancing the sustainability of their employment and income generation.
  • Building Partnerships: By forming strategic partnerships with industries, businesses, and other stakeholders, the project aims to secure a commitment for job placements, apprenticeships, or on-the-job training. These partnerships not only assist in achieving the 90% employment target but also contribute to the long-term engagement of the industry with the trained youth.
  • Continual Learning & Upgradation: The project includes a framework for continual learning and skills upgradation. Regular workshops, refresher courses, and access to online learning resources would ensure that the youth stay abreast with the evolving industry requirements.
  • Community Engagement: Involving the local community from the initial stages of the project fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. This not only helps in the effective implementation of the project but also ensures that the community continues to support and benefit from it in the long run.
  • Scalability & Replicability: The project is designed to be replicable in other regions or for different skill sets. The scalability ensures more stakeholders get involved and the impact of the project expands, adding to its sustainability.
Volunteering and Branding Opportunities
  • Skills-Based Volunteering: Employees of the donor could volunteer their time and skills to mentor and coach the youth, providing valuable industry insight and enhancing the training process.
  • Event Participation: Donor can encourage their employees to participate in job fairs, graduation ceremonies, and other events organised as part of the project. These provide excellent volunteering opportunities and allow for direct interaction with the beneficiaries.
  • Workplace Visits: Arranging visits to the corporate offices or worksites can expose the youth to real-world work environments and provide employees with volunteering opportunities to interact and share their experiences.
  • Employment Opportunities: Hiring the trained youth would not only contribute to the project’s employment goal but also enhance the company’s brand as a socially responsible employer
In terms of branding opportunities
  • Brand Visibility: All project-related materials, including training resources, event banners, certificates, and digital media, could include the donor’s logo and name, thus enhancing brand visibility.
  • Public Relations: The project’s impact stories can be shared through press releases, blogs, and social media posts, portraying the corporation as an active participant in youth empowerment and skills development.
  • CSR Reporting: Highlighting the project in the company’s CSR reports and other communication would strengthen the company’s image as a socially responsible corporate entity.
  • Partnerships: The collaborations formed during the project with training institutions, government bodies, NGOs, and industry partners offer significant cobranding opportunities.
  • Employee Engagement: Showcasing employee volunteering efforts can enhance internal brand perception, improving employee morale and engagement.
Sustainable Development Goals
The proposed CSR project of vocational training and employment for youth can significantly contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in several ways:
  • SDG 1: No Poverty: By providing vocational training and securing employment for youth, the project helps to reduce poverty levels by ensuring a steady income for individuals and their families.
  • SDG 4: Quality Education: The project directly addresses this goal by providing quality vocational education to youth, enabling them to acquire practical skills and knowledge for employment.
  • SDG 5: Gender Equality: Ensuring the inclusion of female youth in the training programs promotes gender equality. This project can actively encourage the participation of women, thereby fostering equality of opportunity.
  • SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: By securing 75% employment for the trained youth, the project contributes directly to this goal. It promotes sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities: By targeting underprivileged youth, the project aims to reduce inequality within and among countries. It achieves this by providing equal opportunities for skill development and employment.
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals: The success of this project would rely on effective partnerships at the local, national, and international level. Collaborations with industries, businesses, NGOs, and government bodies foster a strong sense of shared responsibility in achieving these goals.
Budget: INR 15000/- per beneficiaries